Sunday, February 26, 2012

Fix for MSI 110W SD crash

Every now and then, my MSI 110W hangs/crashes while the SD card is being accessed. Other users have reported this problem too about this Realtek USB 2.0 Card Reader built into the 110W. I've tried many drivers found on the net, including those posted on MSI website (beta), but this one is the only one that fixes the problem:

This driver is provided by Lenovo for one of its computers.

Please refer to my this blog for how to download and update a driver.

Never use "power save" mode on MSI 110W!

Windows 7 will hang for 30 seconds or so now and then, and it may crash into BSOD and the hard drive no long boot! I had to restore win7 from a backed up Clonezilla image.

The workaround is to use "balanced" mode instead.

This is running Windows 7 32 bit without SP1 and I think it was the same when it was running 64-bit SP1.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Warning: Intel Z5x0 CPU always drain battery!

Even if the netbook is shut down or hibernated! This includes all the Z series I have tested so far: Z540 (HP Slate 500), Z530 and Z520 (UMID M1). Initially I thought it was a motherboard design flaw, but all netbooks that use these CPU have reported such battery loss, including Sony P.

How much battery loss? About 3-5% overnight. Seems not a big deal, but you should be aware of this flaw. For example, you bring such a netbook to a long trip, after a week or two, you finally have a chance to use it but only find an empty battery.

If the battery is removable, you'd better turn off the netbook or hibernate it and then remove the battery. For the HP Slate 500, the battery is not removable, I don't know how to deal with this problem. So far the good news is the battery always drains just 3% during hibernation, for a period of 8, 15 or 24 hours. I have not tested it longer (see update below).

The earlier Intel netbook CPU, such as N270 (ASUS eeePC 900a), does not have this flaw, but they have another one: battery drains way too fast during sleep mode. So the sleep mode is useless and you have to use hibernation always.

Newer Intel netbook CPU, such as N450, have both flaws sorted out, but they are garbage because the GMA 3150 GPU that usually companies with them no longer do 1080p. This is why you no longer see netbooks in stores; who want to carry something that cannot do HD these days? Not sure about the new Z670 and Z690, but who cares as they are slower than Z540! Intel, why would a company make its products worse and worse?

AMD netbook CPU, C-50 (Acer 722 and W500) and Z-01 (MSI 110W), do not have these issues.

[update] 2/25/2012: Let the HP Slate 500 hibernated for 3 days (72 hours), battery level dropped from 86% down to 77%, that's 3% drainage per day.


电脑行业里庸俗的评阅者太多了, 几十年来都是, 埋没了不少好产品. 他们几乎个个都说Windows7平板不好用, 吓得商店不敢上架, 用户找不到地方能体验一下, 又看到那么多的坏评阅, 很难出手.

其实, 现在很多商店比如OfficeMax, Staples和BestBuy等都有All-in-One的电脑展品, 大多都带有触摸屏, 大家不妨去这些地方体验一下Windows 7在触摸屏上的表现, 看是不是像那些评阅说的那样.

我就是一次偶然在BestBuy里划拉了几下AIO, 才发现那些狗屁评阅完全是胡说八道, 一口气在网上买了两个Win7平板, HP Slate 500和MSI 110W. 果真比我想象的好太多了, 比那些评阅就更是好到天上去了!

客观地讲, 除了双指缩放(pinch-zoom)不流畅, Windows7在其它方面都一点不比Android和iOS差. 你去试试就知道了.

在比较小的屏幕上, 需要将题头栏(Title Bar)和滚动条(Scrollbar)增大些, 就非常适合手指触控了. 那些靠评阅吃饭的人, 居然如此初级的电脑常识都没有, 却在那里大放厥词, 什么"X"太小了, 手指点好多次都关不掉, 云云.

在桌面上的某个空地方, 右击鼠标键, 选Personalization, 然后选Windows Color, 点击你想增大的地方, 然后把尺寸(size)改大到你满意为止. 注意最好不要改其它的项目, 只改Active Title Bar, Scrollbar和Pallet Title三项, 均增大8个点左右, 比如原来是19的话, 就加大到27, 16就增大到24.

原来和现在, 看看那个"X"够不够大了!

当然, 有了这样的平板电脑并不是说就天天只用它的触摸屏, 有可能的话还是接键盘和鼠标或大屏幕. 好处是工作累了的话, 可以坐在沙发里, 一边看电视, 一边再修补一下手头上的活, 或者在广告时段上上网, 逛逛论坛, 看看视频, 回个email什么的, 比笔记本顺手. 如果是用Android平板或iPad的话, 就会发现还是经常要从沙发里爬出来去取笔记本. 出门当然也很方便, 单板走天下毫无问题.

说到这, 这样的平板电脑, 不应当是定位成第二台或第三台的辅助电脑, 而应当是第一位的主打电脑, 因为一般的日常工作和娱乐都完全能胜任, 又便于携带和使用, 价格还不是很贵. 把原来的大型的快速的电脑做为辅机, 偶尔用于一些大型的工作和娱乐, 比如CAD, 视频压缩, 3D游戏等. 像三星的Series 7那样的高性能平板, 一台平板就都搞定; 不过虽然价格和两台机加一起差不多, 我还是觉得两台机器比较好, 尤其是已经有了高速大电脑的话, 比如辅机在做视频压缩的时候, 主机还是可以做日常工作. 对于某些特殊工作者, 比如记者, 需要及时在现场做视频编辑和压缩, 那就还是一台像S7那样的高性能平板比较合适.

其实, 像MSI 110W和HP 500这样的机器, 做一些简单的掐头去尾和排列组合的高清视频编辑, 完全能胜任, 而且不伤画质(用Smart Cutter那样的好软件). 如果要做H.264高清压缩的话(VirtualDub + x264), 比高性能的机器要多花3倍左右的时间. 比如一段1分钟的高清视频压缩, 要花90分钟, 而在高性能的电脑上只要30分钟.

此文在MSI 110W上完成, 采用外接鼠标和键盘:

Thursday, February 16, 2012


  • Acer 500W,边框太宽,偏厚,偏重,偏热,C-50 CPU耗电是Z-01的一倍。
  • Fujitsu Q550,跟500W很接近,薄点,凉快,Z670跑Win7没有Z-01流畅,倒是更省电。
  • AzPen,这类的廉价国货很多,用N450 CPU,不能硬解1080p高清,还很耗电,都是垃圾。和上面的两个一样都在Frys里见过,都很笨大,很难让人看得上。
  • ViewSonin ViewPad 10pro, 和Q550一样用Z670,1024x600。
  • ASUS EP121,电池短得可怜,太重,超贵,几乎只能当All-in-One桌面机用,现在有三星Series7在那,不知道为什么还会有人买这个。
  • Dell PEJU,出来了吗?1920x1080的屏幕会非常麻烦;必须用很高的DPI,而很多的软件都是按96dpi设计的,在高DPI下问题太多。
目前还是MSI 110W比较理想,其1280x800IPS屏幕非常漂亮,其Z-01 CPU跑Win7流畅自如,其独立HD6250M图像卡高清能力超群,性能是一般低档网本不可企及的,甚至玩游戏都可能。边框,厚度和重量都还凑合能让人接受。不缺钱的可以考虑三星Series7,想要再小点的就只有HP Slate 500/2。

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

MSI 110W样样都好

就是不像HP Slate 500那样适合在外面随手使用。8.9寸的HP Slate 500还可以勉强算作portable,这个10寸的MSI 110W就像iPad只能属于transportable了。

其实跟10寸的Android和iPad相比,110W几乎没大多少,跟Acer的A100几乎一样大小,比三星的Galaxy Tab也就多了一圈1厘米的边框而已。我不是说只有这个110W 不适合随手使用,而是指所有的10寸版包括iPad。


个人觉得以后不能再买笔记本电脑了,只能买这样的平板;既能像iPad那样坐在沙发捧着用,又能干所有笔记本能做的事情,接上大屏幕和(或)键盘鼠标同台式电脑无异。在家里和外出都能一机搞定,省得文件撒得到处都是。如果需要更大的屏幕和更快的速度的话,可以考虑三星的Series 7。其实这个110W做日常娱乐和工作都足够足够快了,任何1080p高清都能轻松播放,CPU的使用率不会超过50%,Office 2010和Visual Studio 2010之类的更是不在话下,没必要多花500块去扛个更大更重的S7。


跟Nokia Booklet一样大小,不过轻了一磅多,才1磅14.65盎司(实测),比iPad2也就多半磅,比HP Slate 500大了近1寸宽的一圈。

HP Slate 500 ghost tap issue and workaround

The HP Slate 500 has been working flawlessly after the fix of the WiFi problem, till this morning. What happened was called as "ghost tap" by many users - the screen behaves like being touched by nobody in a random pattern. Watch this video for what it looks like:

The workaround is to do a n-trig calibration. You may run the NtrigMTMCalib.exe found in the ntrig install folder (usually in C:\Program Files\N-trig\N-trig Software Bundle), or start this utility in the ntrig panel.

[update] Happened again this morning (2/16/2012) and cured by a calibration. The 500 had been in hibernation for 15 hours when I woke it up. Could it be the n-trig driver does not initialize properly after a hibernation? Anyway, if this "ghost tap" happens too often, I'll write a script to do calibration automatically whenever the 500 wakes up from hibernation.

[update] So far as of 2/22/2012 I have not seen this problem again, I have been checking it at least every morning.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

HP Slate 500 WiFi problem and fix

The HP Slate 500 uses a Broadcom WiFi card, device ID: PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_4727&REV_01. When AC plugged, this WiFi uses 12-15% CPU constantly, which makes the Slate hot and slow. While powered by battery, no problem.

The fix is to download and update to this driver:

Note: don't click on the big "Download" button, the real download link is at the right bottom "Save file to your PC: Download".

Unzip the downloaded somewhere, then go to Control Panel, Device Manager, find the Broadcom 802.11n under Network Adapters. Right click on it and select "Update driver software...". Then select "Browse my computer for driver software", and browse to the folder where you just unzipped the zip file to. It takes a while for win7 to verify the digital signature, when it finally prompts, click "yes to install it anyway". It will take another while, be patient.

You may verify that now the driver version is to ensure a successful update. Now plug in AC, connect WiFi, press the alt-ctrl-del button, select Start Task Manager, you should see CPU usage is now down from 12-15% to 0-1%.

If update was not successful, you need to uninstall the old driver first. Be sure to check "delete driver file", otherwise win7 will reintall automatically the old driver when you rescan for new devices. Then manually install the new driver as described above.

Monday, February 13, 2012



比如这个HP Slate 500,现在500甚至400出头就能买到,没有它不能做的事情,包括播放1080p视频。Android平板和iPad都吹有双核甚至四核的,能放1080p;你把你GF2相机里的1080p视频拿给它们放放看?狗屁。这个Windows平板则毫无问题,不但能放,而且还能边看电影,一边干些别的事情,比如写论文什么的,因为内置的GMA500图像卡和Broadcom HD卡都能硬解各种高清视频,不占用CPU。当然也可以编辑高清视频,把相机的RAW转换成JPEG。还有用微软Word写论文,编写计算机程序,等等等等,都是Android和iPad望尘莫及的。



目前另外两个值得考虑的:MSI 110W和Samsung Series 7. 110W是10寸IPS屏,用AMD双核CPU和HD6250M显卡,高清多媒体能力超群,最有意思的是右上方的鼠标,价格和HP差不多。S7是12寸屏,Intel i5 CPU,高档笔记本的性能和价格($1000)。 此文完全在这个HP的触摸屏幕上完成,包括将照片从RAW转换到JPEG,中文输入用的是我一贯使用的Sougou pinyin。

Sunday, February 5, 2012



Saturday, February 4, 2012


松下M43相机里出来的JPEG总是不尽人意, 主要是色调偏冷画面平庸, 不像噢林帕斯那样暖烘烘有美感. 唯一的出路是用RAW, 然后用随机附送的Silkypix在电脑上转换成JPEG. 色调终于变得暖暖的,其它各方面也都强多了. 不过机内转换的降噪效果明显, 画面比较锐利; 用Silkypix很难达到同样的降噪效果, 锐利强化则要选到最大一级才能获得更好的锐利度.


RAW, Silkypix, default

RAW, Silkypix, Strong Contrast, Exaggerate Sharp

上面是ISO 640, 下面是ISO 1600. 留意第一张里的那个橙子的左上方发青, 松下JPEG就是有这种成分, 让人看了发冷.


RAW, Silkypix, default

RAW, Silkypix, Strong Contrast, Natural Fine

下面是HTC Incredible 2, 除了红色不艳, 别的还真不错:

下面这张出自Samsung Fascinate, 白平衡倒是很正确,葱头没有像上面那些发黄:

Friday, February 3, 2012


传感器比尼康的V1还小一半, 不知道有什么意义. 目前无镜相机唯一有意思的是m43(噢林帕斯或松下)配松下的x 14-42mm折叠饼干头, 真的像P&S一样好携带, 画质和单反同级. 平常有个好手机比如HTC Incredible 2就够了, 正而吧经出去旅游的话, 带个m43. 现在再买P&S和大单反没有意义了.尼康V1和这个Pentax的传感器太小了, 镜头却一点不比m43的小.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Z835-P330才2.47 lbs, 7 mm 厚, 拿在手上真的像羽毛一样感觉不到重量, 别的比如ASUS, ACER和MacAir等都没有这种感觉, 都还是觉得沉甸甸的. 续航也很长, 8:17.

不过, 为什么要花$800买这样的东西? 再轻, 再薄, 还是要用个包来提, 还是只能放在桌子上用, 不能捧在手上用. 更轻更薄当然更好, 但是要多花这么多的银子, 我宁愿多一磅, 厚半寸, 使用和携带上没有任何区别, 价格不到一半. 比如OfficeMax正在卖(多半已经卖光了)一个东芝PortegeR835才$479, 而且是i5, 有内置DVD, 重量才3.3 lbs, 续航也一样长.