Monday, September 24, 2012

Ultrabooks drop below $600

Just like what I predicted in my earlier articles, ultrabooks have dropped down below $600. My reasoning is very simple: if Apple can sell a similar thing for $1000 to $1300, there is no chance for other brands to sell for more than the half.

The Vizio was initially priced at $900, now $598 after only few weeks. The Folio is a great ultrabook and a great deal at $498. Both use the Intel secondary generation Sandy Bridge CPU. When you buy a portable computer, make sure an Intel i3, i5 or i7 2XXX CPU inside ("2" means 2nd generation). Older CPUs are not good enough and newer ones do not offer significant more benefits.

Sunday, September 23, 2012





英文模式下基本和上面差不多,我只是把“k”上划设置成了英文的单引号“ ' ”,这个非常有用。另外我把逗号和句号的上划设置为中文的逗号和句号,这个没有什么实际用途,只是我一贯追求逻辑上的完整和设计上的一致性。

安装时先下载和安装百度输入法。你可以在《电子市场》里找,也可以到百度的网站去找。或者你可以下载下面的两个版本,我都使用过。V2的Z键有问题,向下划的时候会Force Close,好处是不像V3那样总是提醒你更新字库。


安装好使用正常之后,下载下面我修改的极限皮肤(谢谢原作者!),把下载的bds(BaiDu Skin)文件放到SDCARD/baidu/ime/skins目录里面。然后进入百度输入的设置,选择皮肤,你会看到这个皮肤,选择它就成了。当然你还可以进行所有其它的常规设置,比如调节键盘的高度等等。


【后注】上面忘了介绍一个很重要的功能:往下划回删键(back space)等于隐藏键盘。这个非常有用。另外按住那个“abc”键(左下边第二个),可以切换英文输入时的T9;按一下是切换中、英。

Saturday, September 22, 2012


所有Android手机(包括平板)都已经内含对中文的支持,但是在北美买的手机的默认设置当然是英文。下面以目前价格、性能和大小等综合起来最佳的Samsung Galaxy S为例,介绍如何使用中文。

有些手机你可以在Settings,Locale and test下面直接选择中文作为你的语言。如果其中没有中文这个选项的话(大多数北美手机只有英文、西班牙文和法文),那么你就要安装一个叫MoreLocale2的app,它能让你选择更多的语种,其中包括中文。

选择好中文之后,所有内带中文支持的apps就都能以中文的面貌出台了,比如下面的“海豚浏览器”,在英文界面下它叫做“Dolphin HD”。





Friday, September 21, 2012






Monday, September 17, 2012

Full System Backup and Restore

You've spent hours to set up your new computer, you don't want to do it again in case of system corruption. So, once you have everything going well, it is time to do a full system backup before it's too late. Or, you like to try the new Windows 8, you should do this first so you can go fully back in case things go wrong.

It is very easy and simple to do, all you need is a USB thumb drive, or a SD card in a card reader (see my other article for a good one for few dollars). For WinXP, 4GB is enough and 16GB for Win8, if you have not installed many large applications.

Plug in the USB drive into your PC, assuming it appears as "D:". If you run out of USB slots, you may use an USB hub as showing above. Download the file and extract it to D:

Then open D:\utils\win32, double click on "makeboot.bat" to make the USB drive bootable. Don't worry, there won't be any damage to your USB drive and the files on it.

Now turn your PC off. Turn it on, and go into boot menu. For most PCs, press F12; others use Esc, Del, F2 or F1. Make sure the USB drive is selected as the very 1st boot device. If you did it right, you'll see the Clonzilla screen:

Press enter for all selections to accept the defaults, except two. One is this:

Select the bottom one, i.e., "skip", this will put the backup files on the same USB drive. If your bootable USB drive does not have enough space, then you can plug in another large drive and select the default (local_dev). This is the most confusing part for newbies.

The second one is self explaining:

If you are backing up, then select the default "savedisk"; if you are restoring from an earlier backup, then select the 3rd option "restoredisk".

Once the process started, it'll take from 10 minutes to 2 hours, depending on how many files to save and how fast your PC and the USB drive are:

Once done, you may save the backup, found in D:\home\partimag, to somewhere else.

Why I use this method? Because it does not damage the USB drive and its files while making it bootable; so I can use the drive or SD card not just for this purpose but anything else as well such as digital cameras. Furthermore, it has not failed on me yet for years. Very handy.

If your PC has an AMD CPU or very old 486, above downloaded ZIP file won't work. You need to find the correct version on Clonezilla website. The procedure is exactly the same as described above.

My next article will be how to back up data.

Monday, September 10, 2012

VO3G - Voice Over 3G

[update 03/19/2014] This article is obsolete, for the latest VO3G technology, please visit:

Now you have a smartphone with a 3G connection. Would it be nice to make and receive free calls over 3G?

Or, you have a fantastic 7" 3G tab, but stupid carriers crippled its voice function.

Get a Google Voice account

This is a must, even if you are not interested in VO3G. Everyone, repeat, everyone, needs a GV #, period.

It is free and you get a local phone #. No need for me to repeat all the details and benefits, only three things I should point out here:

1) Always use a new gmail account for your GV account, never use your primary email address for it. Because, soon or later, you'll need to give out these credentials to some third parties.
2) Add your cell phone # to your GV forward phone list. Then when someone calls your GV #, your cellphone will ring.
3) From now on, never give your cellphone # to anyone; instead, always and feel free to give out your GV #. With GV, you have full control on your #, spam and telemarketing is a thing of past.

Get a CallCentric free DID

Set up a new CallCentric account, the free one. Then log into your account and add a free DID, assuming it's 516-926-1234. Actually, you can add more DIDs if you need. Then go to preferences, DID forwarding, make sure it's set to SIP device (default).

When you apply for the DID, don't say you'll use it within USA, or you'll be charged for the non-sense 911 fee.

Set up

Go to and open a new free account.

Click Extensions, Add Extension, SIP. Assume you give this extension a number as 200 and password as 12345. Other fields can be anything, but make sure audio bypass is yes. Then click Submit. The username for this extension will be your_pbxes_username-200, e.g., johnsmith-200. Your devices (Acrobits in this case) connect to these extensions.

Click Trunks, Add a Trunk, Add SIP Trunk, Trunk Name: CC, audio bypass: yes, sendrpid: yes, username: 1777xxxxxxx (found in your CC dashboard as "Callcentric #", see photo below), password: your CC password, SIP server or proxy:, register: yes. Then click Submit Changes. These trunks connect to SIP providers, CC in this case.

Click Incoming Route, Add incoming Route, Trunk: CC (the same name you gave above), select Extension: 200 for both regular and after hours. Submit. Obviously, these route rules tell pbxes how to handle an incoming call from a trunk. In this case we let a CC call to ring a single extension.

Now, time to click on the red bar "You have made changes - when finished, click here to APPLY them". If you have done everything right, click on Status and you should see a green balloon before trunk CC. If you check your CC dashboard, it should say "Your phone is registered".

Get Acrobits 1.94 with G.729

Don't waste your time and money to buy Acrobits 3, because it keeps your phone awake - drain battery fast. Other such apps such as CSipSimple and Bria do not offer good enough call quality.

Click Settings, SIP accounts, Add new provider, Title: pbxes, username: johnsmith-200, password: 12345 (the one for the extension), domain:, incoming calls: On. This tells Acrobits to register to the pbxes extension you created earlier.

Advanced Settings, Codecs for WiFi, Enabled Codecs: GSM, G.729a, all others are disabled, Packet Time: 30ms, Force Packet Time: unchecked, Honor Remote Codecs: unchecked, OK. Do the same for Codecs For 3G.

STUN Server:, Transport Protocol: tcp, Expires: 1600 (default 600), Send keepalives: unchecked, OK. OK.

If you did everything correctly, the Acrobits icon, see above photos at the top left corner, should turn into green and Acrobits is ready for incoming calls.

Receive a test call

Use any phone to call 516-926-1234 (the CC DID), Acrobits should ring. Congratulations, you've done the most difficult part and now you can receive calls!

Add CC CID to GV

Log into you GV account, click Settings, Phones, Add another phone. Name: CC, Number: 5169261234 (the CC DID), Phone Type: Work or Home. Save. Then it'll ask for verification; let it call, Acrobits should ring, pick up the call and press the verification code.

Now you can receive calls from GV!

Place a test call from GV

Now log into your GV account:, either on your phone or on your computer. Click on Settings, My Mobile Number, select 516-926-1234 (the CC DID).

Then put a #, say, 800-847-8929 (NY traffic line), into the box and click Call. Acrobits should ring, pick it up and you should hear a female voice from NY!

Finally, we can receive and make calls, all free.

Install a GV dialer

You may just use above method to initiate a call, but not so convenient. So install an app:
Voice+ (Google Voice callback) by Szilárd Kovács. Google account: your GV account, Calback numbers: 516-926-1234 (the CC DID).

That's it. Now make phone calls just like you do normally, but you'll be prompted to use "CC callback: +15169261234". Select it, and Acrobits will ring. Pick it up and call is connected.

Some additional notes

Some of above steps might sound redundant; no, all necessary, but you can use alternative routes to fit your situation.

Grove IP cannot use low-bandwidth codecs, therefore it is not for VO3G. CallCentric does not support TCP, so we have to use to use TCP for the sake of battery life and reliable receiving calls. If you are OK with UDP, then you can bypass pbxes entirely and let Acrobits register directly to CC.

Of course offers much more features, for example, you can add voipdiscount as a trunk and make cheap international calls. You may add more extensions for your friends and relatives so they can call each other for free. You may add more trunks for more DIDs. You can add ring groups to ring all selected phones. The possibilities are seamless.

SipSorcery is better than for this purpose, but it is no longer free and its dialplan scripting scares most people away. The downside is pbxes does not support G.729 for the free account (iLABC is available!), so we force it to use GSM without transcoding by selecting "audio bypass" and "sendrpid". Transcoding is always a very bad thing.

Nimbuzz uses socket instead of push, so it still drains more battery than I like. The good part is it supports both G.729 and iLBC. So, if you can sacrifice battery life a little bit, you can use Nimbuzz instead of Acrobits and enjoy the great voice quality that iLBC offers. Somehow Nimbuzz cannot connect to CC directly, so you still need pbxes.

If Acrobits can fix the keep-phone-awake problem, then V3 is the ideal one. V3 can turn off the screen automatically during a call, very nice and the latest versions support iLBC. With V1.94, you have to go to the Main page, then you can turn the screen off manually. BTW, if you're tired of the HTC power button like I am, the Tap Tap App (Screen On-Off ) by Pedro Maicasby is the solution. With this great app, you can slide down to turn the screen off and use volume keys to turn screen on, ideal for this purpose.

Now you have free voice, what about free SMS? Easy and simple, just install the Google Voice app by Google.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Saw VIZIO Ultrabook in Walmart

I don't like the style: corners are over rounded and keyboard keys are huge. Steve Jobs won't have allowed such a design to go into production. It does have a very good thing though: no cheap-looking glossy plastics that are almost in each and every laptop in the past 10 years, even though almost each and every user have been complaining about that since the very first day. Another disgusting stuff that took 10 years to get rid of is Macromedia/Adobe Flash that ruined WWW entirely. For two things, I thank Steve Jobs, the other is touchscreen done right.

The Acer Timeline U looks more attractive to me. For the last three years, my son has been using an initial Timeline. If this U is anything like that, it is the one for students. Note it has lit keyboard!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Nimbuzz now supports G.729!

I don't know since when, but now Nimbuzz supports G.729! Finally, there is an acceptable VO3G - Voice Over 3G, my terminology. Next to it is Acrobits 2.00 and old, offering quite acceptable VO3G.

Interestingly, G.729 is still not listed in the Nimbuzz app, only three options are there: auto, G711 and iLBC. iLBC is the very best codec for VO3G, but few VOIP providers support this great codec. The trick is to chose "auto", then Nimbuzz will use G.729 when iLBC is not available. Nimbuzz won't use G711 when it sees the current connection is 3G.

It is a little tricky to show your phone's contacts in Nimbuzz. You have to check "load phone numbers" in settings and give a phone # to Nimuzz, a fake one will be accepted. Then, go to the contacts tag, display group, select all contacts or phone numbers only.

Skype uses iLBC, but it drains battery too quickly and there is no free DID. Acrobits 3.10 and later also support iLBC and has battery-drain problem too: it keeps phone awake all the time, draining out battery within several hours. Strange, 2.00 and older do not have this problem.

Nimbuzz connects to SipSorcery and SipGate fine, but CallCentric won't allow apps like this and Fring to connect. This is too bad, because CC now offers free DID (see my other article). There are some NAT handling issues between SipSorcery and Nimbuzz: when you use WiFi, i.e., behind NAT; the other end won't hear you although you can still hear him/her. No problem between SipGate and Nimbuzz, and SG does support iLBC!

So, the best VO3G solution is Nimbuzz + SipGate. Second to that is Acrobits + CallCentric. As always, for flexibility, you should integrate them with GoogleVoice and SipSorcery or freeSWITCH. I'll write an article about how to set them up.

To download Nimbuzz, open your phone's browser to:

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Firefox - the only full desktop browser for Android

I have not found a single website that it cannot do, including google blogger and boostmobile.

I have tried all Android browsers including Opera, Dolphin, Skyfire and many other unknown ones, none of them can log into boostmobile account.

It supports add-on like Adblock+.

This article is done entirely with Firefox on Samsung Galaxy Tab 7, incliding screen captured photo inserting/uploading. But for everyday browsing, Opera is still the one - this firefox is too bulky and buggy, taking up at least 20MB space.